
General Dynamics Land Systems and Power Team Partners Awarded Logistics Vehicle Modernization Contract

London, Ontario – Today, the Government of Canada awarded a contract to General Dynamics Land Systems and joint venture partner Marshall Canada to provide the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) a new fleet of light and heavy logistics vehicles. The General Dynamics Land Systems and Marshall Canada team will deliver more than 1,000 light trucks and approximately 500 heavy trucks with associated equipment, such as armoured protection kits, modules, containers and trailers.

General Dynamics Land Systems Awarded $258 Million by U.S. Army for 26 Additional M10 Booker Combat Vehicles

Low Rate Initial Production continuing for new direct-fire combat vehicle
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. – General Dynamics Land Systems announced today that was awarded [defense.gov] a $257.6 million U.S. Army contract modification for the second phase of Low Rate Initial Production of the newly named M10 Booker Combat Vehicle, formerly known as Mobile Protected Firepower.

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